9 research outputs found

    Microbiological characteristics of clinical isolates of Cryptococcus spp. in Bahia, Brazil: molecular types and antifungal susceptibilities

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    To determine the profiles of susceptibility to antifungal and the genotypes of clinical isolates of Cryptococcus in Bahia, Brazil, 62 isolates were collected from cases of meningitis in the period from 2006 to 2010. Their susceptibilities to fluconazole, itraconazole, amphotericin B and 5-flucytosine were determined by the broth microdilution technique described by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute and genotyping of the URA5 gene was accomplished by restriction fragment length polymorphism. C. neoformans accounted for 79% of the identified yeast and C. gattii represented the remaining 21%. Evaluation of the genotypes determined that 100% of the C. gattii isolates belong to the VGII genotype, and 98% of the C. neoformans isolates belong to the VNI genotype. Determination of susceptibility revealed isolates resistant to fluconazole (4.8%), 5-flucytosine (1.6%) and amphotericin B (3.2%); the stratification of sensitivity results for each species showed significant differences in susceptibility to azoles. This study is the first to describe the susceptibility profiles of molecular and clinical isolates of Cryptococcus in Bahia, Brazil. The high percentage of C. gattii isolates belonging to the VGII genotype and its lower susceptibility to antifungal agents highlight the importance of knowing which species are involved in cryptococcal infections in northeastern Brazil

    Relation of oral yeast infection in Brazilian infants and use of a pacifier

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    The frequency of oral yeast ingestion and its relationship with sucking and feeding habits wits described in children from one to 18 months of age. Yeasts were detected in 58.3 percent of children and the most prevalent species were Candida parapsilosis and Candida albicans. The use of a pacifier was positively associated with the frequency of yeast infection and with the levels of these microorganisms in the mouth. No relationship was detected between the prevalence of yeast and breast-feeding or bottle-feeding habits. The results suggest that use of a pacifier is an important local factor in the colonization and proliferation of yeast in the oral cavity.68133

    Envelhecimento, estratégias de enfrentamento do idoso e repercussões na família Envejecimiento, estrategias de afrontamiento de los ancianos y impactos en la familia Aging, facing strategies of the aged and the consequences for family

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    Trata-se de estudo qualitativo para conhecer a percepção de idosos, usuários de Unidade Básica de Saúde de São Paulo, sobre envelhecimento, estratégias de enfrentamento e repercussões na família. Foram realizadas, de setembro de 2007 a julho de 2008, entrevistas com três idosos, de 71 a 90 anos. Os participantes responderam às perguntas da Escala de Depressão Geriátrica, Ecomapa, Genograma e modelo Calgary. Com análise de conteúdo de Bardin, encontramos três categorias percebendo o momento do ciclo vital; sofrendo as repercussões deste momento; enfrentando o envelhecimento e a velhice. Acreditamos na continuidade de estudos que busquem estratégias com idosos e famílias na tentativa de melhorar a qualidade de vida e dinâmica familiar com inclusão de entretenimento, segundo possibilidade da comunidade.<br>El siguiente estudio cualitativo busca comprender la percepción de las personas de edad avanzada, usuarios de la Unidad Básica de Salud de São Paulo, en cuanto al envejecimiento, estrategias de afrontamiento y el impacto en la familia. Se hicieron entrevistas desde Septiembre del 2007 hacia Julio del 2008 con tres personas mayores, de los 71 a 90 años. Los participantes contestaron a las preguntas de la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica, Ecomapa, Genograma y modelo Calgary. A través del análisis de Bardin, hemos descubierto tres categorías - el momento de darse cuenta del ciclo de la vida; se sufren las consecuencias de ese momento; se enfrentan el proceso de envejecimiento y la vejez. Creemos en la continuidad de los estudios que buscan estrategias con las personas mayores y sus familias para mejorar la calidad de vida y la dinámica familiar a través de la inclusión del entretenimiento, acuerdo a las posibilidades ofrecidas a la comunidad.<br>This qualitative study seeks the understanding of the perception of the elderly, users of Basic Health Unit of São Paulo, on aging, coping strategies and impact on family. Interviews with three elderly people, from 71 to 90 years-old, were held from September 2007 to July'2008. Participants responded to questions under the Geriatric Depression Scale, Ecomapa, Genogram and Calgary model. From the Bardin analysis, we could determine three categories - the moment of realizing the life cycle; suffering the consequences of this time; facing the aging and old age. We believe in the continuity of studies that search for strategies with older people and their families in an attempt to improve life quality and family dynamics by the inclusion of entertainment, according to the possibilities offered to their communities